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Oracle Free Diction - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.
1. Which of the following views does not contain information about freelists?
Please select the best answer.

2. PCTUSED and PCTFREE work together in which of the following ways?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. PCTFREE determines the amount of space used for inserts into a data block.
  B. PCTUSED determines the amount of space used for inserts into a data block.
  C. PCTFREE and PCTUSED work together to determine the amount of space used for inserts into a data block.
  D. Either PCTFREE or PCTUSED can have an effect on whether a data block is considered available for inserts.

3. You have a table that will be used for a lot of insertions and a lot of deletions. You want to optimize the use of space in the extents. What should you do?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Make the PCTFREE low and the PCTUSED lower
  B. Make the PCTFREE high and the PCTUSED low
  C. Make the PCTUSED slightly lower than the PCTFREE
  D. Make the PCTUSED higher than 100 -- PCTFREE