Lesson 16 | The ARCHIVE LOG LIST command |
Objective | Use ARCHIVE LOG LIST command to see current state |
There are times as a DBA, when you need to know the current state of the database relative to the redo logs and archive logs. You might want to find out something as simple as whether the database is in archivelog mode, or you may want to find out which redo log file is currently in use. Shared server provides a command for this purpose. The command is ARCHIVE LOG LIST
, and with it you can find out whether your database is in archive log mode, which redo log file is currently being written to, and the archive log destination. You run the ARCHIVE LOG LIST
command from the SQL*Plus.
Checking State of redo logs and archive logs
You can run the `ARCHIVE LOG LIST` command from SQL*Plus when connected to an Oracle 19c database using the Shared Server mode, but with some considerations:
- Understanding ARCHIVE LOG LIST in SQL*Plus
- The
command is used to check the current archiving mode of the database, along with the log archive destination and the current log sequence number.
- Running ARCHIVE LOG LIST in Shared Server Mode
- Shared Server Mode enables multiple user connections to share a pool of server processes, reducing memory usage in large-scale environments.
- SQL*Plus can still execute the
command when running in Shared Server Mode, because it does not require a dedicated server process.
- How to Check If You Are in Shared Server Mode
- Once connected to SQL*Plus, execute:
This will display:
- Whether archiving is enabled (ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG mode).
- The log archive destination.
- The current log sequence number.
- Potential Issues in Shared Server Mode
- Restricted Commands: Some archive log maintenance commands (like
) require a Dedicated Server connection.
- Dynamic Views May Differ: Certain v$ views may behave differently under Shared Server mode due to session multiplexing.
- How to Switch to Dedicated Server Mode (If Needed)
If you encounter issues and need to switch to a "Dedicated Server session", use:
Then reconnect to SQL*Plus using a "dedicated connection":
sqlplus / as sysdba
Yes, you can run `ARCHIVE LOG LIST` in SQL*Plus while using Shared Server Mode, but some archive log operations may require a Dedicated Server session. If you encounter restrictions, switching to a Dedicated Server session will resolve them.
SQL> archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /m01/oracle/oradata/prod/archive
Oldest online log sequence 20
Next log sequence to archive 21
Current log sequence 21
In this example, the first line tells you that the database is in archive log mode. The second line tells you that the Archiver process is running, and automatically copying redo log files when they are filled. The third line tells you the directory to which those log files are being copied. The last three lines tell you that the oldest log file still online is #20, and that the one currently being used is #21.
Oracle 19c DBA on AWS
Archive Log List Command Demonstration
I need the commands to find the Oracle "archive logs" on my database.
Question: Is there a standard place to locate the
archive redo logs directory?
Answer: The archived redo logs will be in the flash recovery area in the ARCHIVELOG directory.
The following commands can be used to locate the Oracle archive logs:
- Issue the archive log list command:
SQL> archive log list
- Issue the show parameter command:
SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
- Query the v$archive_dest view:
SQL> select dest_name, status, destination from v$archive_dest;
RAC Database
Note In a RAC database, the settings must remain consistent across all instances. To enable archivelog mode:
1. Shut down the database first:
# srvctl stop database -d RONDB -o immediate
2. Mount the first instance either from the SQL*Plus prompt or by using the srvctl command, as follows:
SQL> startup mount;
# srvctl start database -d RONDB -o mount
Unlike pre-11gR2, you do not need to off/on the
cluster_database parameter to switch between the archive/ noarchive modes.
1. Switch the database mode to archivelog and start the database using the following examples:
SQL> alter database archivelog;
SQL> alter database open;
2. To start the rest of the instance, use one of the following examples:
# srvctl start database -d RONDB
# srvctl start instance -d RONDB -I RONDB2
Once the preceding settings are made, connect to SQL*Plus and verify the database log mode and recovery
parameters using the following commands:
SQL> SELECT log_mode FROM v$database;
SQL > archive log list
The outcome should be similar to the following:
SYS @RONDB1 >archive log list
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Oldest online log sequence 10
Next log sequence to archive 12
Current log sequence 12
From the preceding output, you can see that the database log mode is in Archive Mode now, and the archivelog location is set to Flash Recovery Area.
The SQL*Plus command ARCHIVE LOG LIST displays archiving information for the connected instance. For example:
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination D:\oracle\oradata\IDDB2\archive
Oldest online log sequence 11160
Next log sequence to archive 11163
Current log sequence 11163
This display tells you all the necessary information regarding the archived redo log settings for the current instance:
- The database is currently operating in ARCHIVELOG mode.
- Automatic archiving is enabled.
- The archived redo log destination is D:\oracle\oradata\IDDB2\archive.
- The oldest filled redo log group has a sequence number of 11160.
- The next filled redo log group to archive has a sequence number of 11163.
- The current redo log file has a sequence number of 11163.
Displays information about redo log files.
Requests a display that shows the range of redo log files to be archived, the current log file group's sequence number, and the current archive destination (specified by either the optional command text or by the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST). If you are using both ARCHIVELOG mode and automatic archiving, the display might appear like:
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /vobs/oracle/dbs/arch
Oldest online log sequence 221
Next log sequence to archive 222
Current log sequence 222
Since the log sequence number of the current log group and the next log group to archive are the same, automatic archival has archived all log groups up to the current one.
If you are using ARCHIVELOG but have disabled automatic archiving, the last three lines might look like:
Oldest online log sequence 222
Next log sequence to archive 222
Current log sequence 225
If you are using NOARCHIVELOG mode, the "next log sequence to archive" line is suppressed. The log sequence increments every time the Log Writer begins to write to another redo log file group; it does not indicate the number of logs being used. Every time an online redo log file group is reused, the contents are assigned a new log sequence number.
You must be connected to an open Oracle database as SYSOPER, or SYSDBA
Log List - Exercise