Using Logging and Tracing to troubleshoot Network Environment
Understanding Oracle's scheme for logging, and tracing is necessary in order to fully understand and troubleshoot any Oracle Network Services problem. In this module, you will look at the basic environmental information, such as the purposes and locations of log and trace files. The module will conclude with a discussion of how trace files are used to resolve a Network Services problem.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
List the type of information that is contained in the log and trace files
Describe where the Oracle log and trace files are located
Alter the log and trace file locations
Modify and customize the log and trace file contents
Understanding Oracle Net Services Trace File Names
Each Oracle Net Services component produces its own trace file.
Table 7-1 provides the default trace file names and lists the components that generate the trace files.
Table 7-1 Trace Files Names
TRACE Listener Purpose: To set tracing for the listener.
Syntax: From the operating system:
lsnrctl trace level listener_name
From the Listener Control utility:
LSNRCTL> trace level listener_name
Arguments level: One of the following trace levels:
off for no trace output
user for user trace information
admin for administration trace information
support for Oracle Support Services trace information
listener_name: Specify the listener name, if the default name of LISTENER is not used.
Usage Notes: This command has the same functionality as the SET TRC_LEVEL command
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521))
Opened trace file: /oracle/network/trace/listener.trc
The command completed successfully
The next lesson presents an overview of the log and trace files.