Configure init.ora parameters governing Shared Server
Configure init.ora Parameters governing Shared Server
(MTS) Multi-threaded server was no longer released after Oracle 8i.
Oracle 9i has renamed the (MTS) mutli-threaded server to Shared Server.
The shared-server architecture increases the scalability of applications and the number of clients that can be simultaneously connected to the database
MTS configuration is governed by the init.ora parameters for each database on the server.
If no MTS parameters are present in the init.ora file, MTS is disabled when the listener is started.
Following is an example of the MTS init.ora parameters that will start the MTS when the database is started.
Scroll your mouse cursor over the areas outlined in red to see pop-up explanations of the syntax.
We define three TCP dispatcher processes
The listener address is for TCP, on the host named dilbert at port number 1521
Oracle may allocate up to five dispatcher processes.
Oracle may allocate up to 20 server processes.
MTS init.ora parameters
MTS init.ora parameters
Location 1
We define three TCP dispatcher processes.
Location 2
The listener address is for TCP, on the host named dilbert at port number 1521.
Location 3
Oracle may allocate up to five dispatcher processes.
Location 4
Oracle may allocate up to 20 server processes.
Once these parameters are added to the init.ora file and the database is started, the listener will direct the incoming connections through the MTS dispatcher processes. (I will discuss each of these parameters in a later lesson.) Each connection to the MTS requires 1 KB of internal SGA storage, which places additional strain on the Oracle shared pool within Oracle System Global Area (SGA).
Hence, you should plan to increase your shared_pool_size init.ora parameter by 1KB times the estimated high-water mark for MTS connections. The next lesson describes how MTS handles incoming connections.