From our high-level overview, let us move into the four unique areas of OEM administration:
the Navigator,
the Job scheduler,
the Mapper, and
the Event Manager.
View the screens below to see an illustration of the OEM console and its four quadrants.
The Navigator window displays all the objects in your database hierarchically.
The Job Scheduling window is the user interface to the Job Scheduling system, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and providing the kind of "lights out" management that is vital in a large, distributed environment.
The Map window provides a customized, graphical map of all databases that participate in your Net8 configuration.
The Event Management system enables you to monitor critical database and system events remotely
The Navigator window
The Navigator enables you to:
Find objects in the network system
View the objects in a network environment and the relationships among them
Access the objects and administer tasks on them
Drag and drop objects to create maps
Launch DBA tools and other integrated applications
The functionality of the Navigator is almost identical to the Oracle Schema Manager. Both can be used to create or alter schema objects and view object relationships. The main benefit of the Navigator is that it is integrated into the OEM console. For example, you can click a database icon in the Navigator window and drag it into the map area where it will be displayed.
Note: The Navigator will only display the database that it finds in your topology.ora file on your client PC in the c:\orant\net8\admin directory.
You can create a topology.ora file from your tnsnames.ora file by launching the OEM Network Topology Generator from the Start menu. The image below demonstrates where you can open the Network Topology Generator.
The OEM Network Topology Generator
The Job Scheduling window
The Job Scheduling system enables you to manage tasks among the databases, groups, listeners, and nodes that you are administering. Using the menus, property sheets, and dialog boxes of the Job Scheduling window, you can execute, schedule, or cancel a job, view its status, and review historical information about jobs.
Jobs can be administered immediately, scheduled only once, or scheduled for various times, such as daily or weekly, and at single or multiple destinations. Using the Create Job feature illustrated below, you can also create and manage job scripts.
Create Job feature
The Map window
The Map system enables you to create, save, modify, and recall views of the network. Objects can be grouped together based on any criteria, simplifying all operations performed on the group members.
The map is especially useful for environments with very many databases.
When you double-click a database in the map window, you will see the current SGA (System Global Area) size and start time, as
illustrated below. You also have the option of starting or stopping the database from this screen.
SGA size and start time
The Event Management window
In the Event Management window, you can create and register event sets, view the status of services being monitored, and get information about events that have occurred.
With the Event Manager, you may choose to have events of interest represented graphically on the console when they are detected.
The OEM console provides support for alphanumeric paging and email notification. Best of all, you can create a job that you specify to run to fix the problem automatically.
The next lesson discusses how Oracle agents work on remote servers.