Storing the network configuration in a local filesystem
Store the overall topology.
Storing the Network Configuration for Oracle "Directory Naming
Question: Which files store the network configuration for Oracle "Directory Naming"?
The network configuration for Oracle "Directory Naming" is primarily stored in two files:
This file stores the net service names used to connect to Oracle database services.
It maps these net service names to the actual network addresses and port numbers of the database servers.
The tnsnames.ora file is typically located in the `ORACLE_HOME/network/admin` directory.
It can be configured on the client machine or on a central server that is accessible to all clients.
This file stores the listener configuration for the Oracle Database listener.
The listener is a process that listens on a specific port for incoming connection requests from clients.
The sqlnet.ora file specifies the port number that the listener is listening on, as well as other configuration options, such as security settings and protocol settings.
The sqlnet.ora file is typically located in the `ORACLE_HOME/network/admin` directory.
It must be configured on the server machine where the Oracle Database is installed.
In addition to these two files, the following files may also be used to store network configuration for Oracle "Directory Naming":
ldap.ora: This file stores configuration details for the Oracle Directory Integration Platform (DIP) and the Oracle Unified Directory (OUD).
oif.ora: This file stores configuration details for the Oracle Internet File System (OIF).
oraaccess.reg: This file stores registry settings for the Oracle ODBC driver.
The specific files used will depend on the specific configuration of your Oracle environment.
Legacy configuration for Oracle Names
Two parameter files control the overall Oracle Names environment.
Each Oracle Names server contains a names.ora file, while clients have a Names entry in their sqlnet.ora file.
For all Oracle clients that reference the Names server, some sqlnet.ora parameters need to be included:
names.preferred_servers =
This parameter indicates the name, addresses, and order of Names servers that will be used for a client's name requests. In the example below, the dilbert server will contain the Names server.
Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When this parameter is set, the default domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified service name. Now let us look at the Names server parameter file. Just like the listener.ora, the names.ora file should reside in your
directory. And like the Oracle listener, the Names server will create a server process that will poll for incoming requests.
Click the names-ora-file link below to look at a sample names.ora file. In the new window, roll your cursor over the areas outlined in red to learn about the most important values of the file.
Which file dores "Directory Naming" use to
Oracle names.ora file
View the image below to look at a sample names.ora file.
The areas outlined in red are the most important values of the file.
names.addresses =
This specifies the service name of the database containing the Names server data.
names.server_name =
Each Names server is uniquely identified by a name. All configuration references to a particular Names server use this name.
names.admin_region =
This is used when you want the Names server to store transparent network substrate (TNS) and link information.
names.authority_required =
Determines whether system queries require Authoritative answers.
names.addresses = This specifies the service name of the database containing the Names server data.
names.admin_region = This is used when you want the Names server to store transparent network substrate (TNS) and link information.
names.authority_required = Determines whether system queries require Authoritative answers.
names.server_name = Each Names server is uniquely identified by a name. All configuration references to a particular Names server use this name.
The next lesson discusses how to use the Names control utility.
Oracle Names Concepts - Quiz
Before moving on to the next lesson, click the Quiz link below to check your understanding of Oracle Names concepts. Oracle Names Concepts - Quiz