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Lesson 3 What is a relational database?
Objective Define a relational database.

What is a Relational Database?

The example of a database we have discussed so far, a phone book, is really just a single table with a single set of fields. Most of the data in the real word is not this simple. Some data, in fact most data, works better in a database with multiple tables. This is where a relational database comes in. A relational database has multiple tables so that you can store and analyze multiple lists of related data. This is necessary because although data is related, there is not always a one-to-one relationship between different categories (fields) of data, making it difficult to figure out how to design the table. For instance, to keep track of clients you can create a table to hold client names and contact information. However, you would also like to keep track of the projects you do. Each project is for a client, but you may do more than one project for a client. This graphic shows how you might store this data on index cards with one card for each client, and one card for each project.

Related Access tables.
This image contains three rectangles with two arrows, indicating a relationship between entities.
  1. Main Rectangle (Network Consultants, Inc.)
    • Located at the top-left corner.
    • Represents a client entity, providing identifying information like name and address.
    • Example Data: "Network Consultants, Inc.", "455 Cherry St., Tucson, AZ 85701."
  2. Two Smaller Rectangles (Tasks/Projects)
    • Positioned to the right of the main rectangle.
    • Represent task/project entities associated with the client.
    • Example Data for Each:
      • Task 1: "User documentation for new network" with a due date, estimated hours, and client name.
      • Task 2: "Marketing piece for US Today Online" with a due date, estimated hours, and client name.
  3. Arrows
    • Point from the main rectangle (client) to each of the smaller rectangles (tasks/projects).
    • Indicates a one-to-many relationship, where one client can have multiple associated tasks or projects.

  • Entity Relationship:
    • The primary entity is "Client," and the related entities are "Tasks/Projects."
    • One client (Network Consultants, Inc.) can be linked to multiple tasks/projects.

This structure mirrors a common database schema where a client table has a foreign key in the tasks/projects table, enabling the tasks to reference their associated client.

Simple Schema to represent the Relationship

Here's a simple schema to represent the relationship between the "Client" (left rectangle) and the "Tasks/Projects" (two right rectangles):
Schema Representation
  1. Client Table
    • Table Name: Clients
    • Fields:
      • ClientID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for the client.
      • ClientName: Name of the client (e.g., "Network Consultants, Inc.").
      • Address: Client address (e.g., "455 Cherry St., Tucson, AZ 85701").
  2. Tasks/Projects Table
    • Table Name: Tasks
    • Fields:
      • TaskID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for the task/project.
      • TaskName: Description of the task/project (e.g., "User documentation for new network").
      • DueDate: Due date of the task (e.g., "2/3/00").
      • EstimatedHours: Estimated hours required for the task (e.g., "240").
      • ClientID (Foreign Key): References the ClientID in the Clients table to establish the relationship.

Entity Relationship
  • One-to-Many:
    • One client in the Clients table can have many associated tasks in the Tasks table.
    • The relationship is achieved through the ClientID field, which acts as a foreign key in the Tasks table.

Example SQL Code to Create Schema
    ClientName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    Address VARCHAR(255)

    TaskName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    DueDate DATE,
    EstimatedHours INT,
    ClientID INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (ClientID) REFERENCES Clients(ClientID)

This schema models the relationship shown in the image, with `Clients` as the parent entity and `Tasks` as the child entity.

Detailed Analysis based on the Previous Schema

Related Access tables.
The second image mirrors the structure of the first but expands on it with one additional task/project.
Here's the detailed analysis based on the previous schema:
  1. Main Rectangle (Dynamic Solutions)
    • Located on the left.
    • Represents the client entity, providing identifying information such as:
      • Name: Dynamic Solutions
      • Address: 6889 Oak La., Phoenix, AZ 85002
  2. Three Smaller Rectangles (Tasks/Projects)
    • Positioned to the right of the main rectangle.
    • Represent tasks/projects associated with the client.
    • Details for Each Task/Project:
      • Task 1: "Proposal for new database project"
        • Due Date: 1/27/00
        • Estimated Hours: 30
        • Client: Dynamic Solutions
      • Task 2: "User manual for word processing software"
        • Due Date: 4/20/00
        • Estimated Hours: 800
        • Client: Dynamic Solutions
      • Task 3: "Script for online media"
        • Due Date: 1/17/00
        • Estimated Hours: 15
        • Client: Dynamic Solutions
  3. Arrows
    • Point from the main rectangle (client) to each of the smaller rectangles (tasks/projects).
    • Indicates a one-to-many relationship, where one client can be linked to multiple tasks/projects.

Entity Relationship:
  1. Parent Entity: Client (Dynamic Solutions)
    • One client can have multiple associated tasks/projects.
  2. Child Entities: Tasks/Projects
    • Each task is uniquely associated with a single client through a foreign key relationship.

Updated Schema for This Image:
  1. Client Table
    • Table Name: Clients
    • Fields:
      • ClientID (Primary Key)
      • ClientName: "Dynamic Solutions"
      • Address: "6889 Oak La., Phoenix, AZ 85002"
  2. Tasks/Projects Table
    • Table Name: Tasks
    • Fields:
      • TaskID (Primary Key)
      • TaskName: e.g., "Proposal for new database project"
      • DueDate: e.g., 1/27/00
      • EstimatedHours: e.g., 30
      • ClientID (Foreign Key, references Clients.ClientID)

Example SQL Code for This Scenario:
INSERT INTO Clients (ClientID, ClientName, Address)
VALUES (2, 'Dynamic Solutions', '6889 Oak La., Phoenix, AZ 85002');

INSERT INTO Tasks (TaskID, TaskName, DueDate, EstimatedHours, ClientID)
(4, 'Proposal for new database project', '2000-01-27', 30, 2),
(5, 'User manual for word processing software', '2000-04-20', 800, 2),
(6, 'Script for online media', '2000-01-17', 15, 2);

Key Takeaways:
  • This schema demonstrates a one-to-many relationship.
  • Dynamic Solutions is linked to three tasks, each with unique details like due dates and estimated hours.
  • The tasks' association with Dynamic Solutions is defined by the ClientID.

Client and Project Cards

The two types of cards,
  1. client and
  2. project

Translate into two tables when you create a database. The Projects table will be related to the Clients table through the client name field. The fact that the tables are related allows you to use data from multiple tables; for instance, you can create a report listing the projects you have done for each client.
  • SQL Query for a phone book in an Access Database Table
    Here is an example of a SQL query for a phone book in an Access database table:
    CREATE TABLE PhoneBook (
      FirstName TEXT NOT NULL,
      LastName TEXT NOT NULL,
      PhoneNumber TEXT NOT NULL

    This query creates a table called "PhoneBook" with four columns:
    1. ID is an auto-incrementing primary key used to uniquely identify each record in the table.
    2. FirstName is the first name of the person in the phone book.
    3. LastName is the last name of the person in the phone book.
    4. PhoneNumber is the phone number of the person in the phone book.

Note that the NOT NULL constraint is applied to each column to ensure that a value is always provided for each field when a new record is inserted into the table. The next lesson shows some examples of data that might be stored in the multiple tables of a relational database.

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