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Lesson 5Creating and maintaining the tnsnames.ora File
ObjectiveDevelop a Strategy to create, test, and maintain the tnsnames.ora File

Configure tnsnames.ora File

Creating, testing, and maintaining the `tnsnames.ora` file in Oracle 11g involves a structured approach to ensure the database connections are well-configured, reliable, and easily maintainable. Here’s a strategy to achieve this:
  1. Creation of tnsnames.ora File
    • Identify Database Services: Gather the hostnames, IP addresses, service names, and ports for each database instance you need to connect to.
    • Define Connection Aliases: Structure connection details using meaningful alias names. This improves readability and helps administrators easily identify different databases.
    • Standardize Entries: Consistent naming conventions for aliases, such as <environment>_<service> (e.g., PROD_DB1), help with organization, especially in environments with multiple instances.
    • PROD_DB1 =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = prod-db-server)(PORT = 1521))
          (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = PROD_SVC)
    • Save and Version Control: Store the file securely and consider using version control if multiple administrators work on it. Using a version control system (like Git) allows tracking changes over time, which is useful in large environments.
  2. Testing the tnsnames.ora File
    • Check Syntax: Before testing, ensure the file has no syntax errors. A missing parenthesis or extra space can cause issues.
    • Use tnsping: Oracle’s tnsping utility can test each alias in the tnsnames.ora file:
      tnsping PROD_DB1
      This utility verifies connectivity and responds with a success or error message.
    • SQL*Plus Test: For further validation, attempt a connection using SQL*Plus:
      sqlplus username/password@PROD_DB1
      A successful login confirms that the connection alias is configured correctly.
    • Automate Testing: In environments with multiple databases, consider scripting a test sequence for all connection aliases, logging the results for quick identification of issues.
  3. Maintenance of tnsnames.ora File
    • Documentation: Maintain a documentation file listing each alias, its purpose, and any dependencies. This helps if other team members need to update or troubleshoot the file.
    • Periodic Review: Regularly review and update the tnsnames.ora file to remove obsolete entries or add new connections. Database environments often evolve, and entries can become outdated over time.
    • Backup Regularly: Store a backup of the tnsnames.ora file before making changes. A good practice is to keep backups named with timestamps (e.g., tnsnames_2024_11_12.ora) to facilitate rollbacks if needed.
    • Centralize Management: If possible, centralize the tnsnames.ora file in a shared directory for all Oracle clients to reference, reducing the maintenance overhead of updating multiple files across different servers.
    • Monitor Connection Issues: Track and log any reported connectivity issues. Frequent connection issues might signal a need for reconfiguration or review of the tnsnames.ora setup.
  4. Troubleshooting
    • Connection Errors: For errors like ORA-12154 or ORA-12545, review tnsnames.ora entries for typos, hostname accuracy, and port numbers.
    • Diagnostic Tools: Use trace in SQL*Net or enable logging for the Oracle client to get detailed diagnostic information if issues persist.
  5. Security and Permissions
    • Restrict Access: Ensure the file has appropriate permissions to prevent unauthorized access or modification.
    • Encrypted Credentials: Avoid hardcoding credentials in the tnsnames.ora file; instead, use secure authentication mechanisms provided by Oracle.

This structured approach ensures that the `tnsnames.ora` file is well-organized, easily testable, and maintainable over time, enhancing the reliability of database connections.

Creating and Maintaining tnsnames.ora File

Earlier in this course, you saw how the Oracle Net Services Assistant can be used to maintain listener.ora files on the server. However, you may not always want to use the Oracle Net Services Assistant on a Windows computer, because you may want to use a standard set of listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files. If you allow the use of Oracle Net Services Assistant on a Windows computer, then the Oracle DBA cannot ensure that the tnsnames.ora files are consistent on all Oracle8 clients. It is far easier to have the DBA create, test, and maintain a master copy of the tnsnames.ora file. The master tnsnames.ora file can then be distributed to PC clients as needed. And you can use Oracle Net Services Assistant to maintain the sqlnet.ora file.
In the next lesson you will learn how to edit and distribute the tnsnames.ora file on a network.
  • Using Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to Configure Network Components
    Oracle Net Configuration Assistant configures basic network components during installation, including:
    1. Listener names and protocol addresses
    2. Naming methods the client uses to resolve connect identifiers to connect descriptors
    3. Net service names in a tnsnames.ora file
    4. Directory server usage
    Oracle Net Configuration Assistant runs automatically during software installation, as described in the Oracle Database installation guide. It can also be run after installation in standalone mode to configure naming methods, the listener, network service names in the tnsnames.ora file, and directory server usage.
    To start Oracle Net Configuration Assistant do the following:
    1. On Linux and UNIX, run netca from the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.
    2. On Microsoft Windows, select Programs from the Start menu, and then select Oracle - HOME_NAME. Next, select Configuration and Migration Tools, and then Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.
    Table 6-5 describes the configuration options on the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Welcome page:

Table 6-5: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
Option Description
Listener configuration Create, modify, delete, or rename a listener.
Naming Methods configuration Configure the computer to resolve connect identifiers to connect descriptor with one or more of following naming methods:
  • Local naming
  • Directory naming
  • Easy Connect naming
  • External naming
Local Net Service Name configuration Create, modify, delete, rename, or test connectivity of a connect descriptor stored in a local tnsnames.ora file.
Directory Usage Configuration Configure a directory server for directory-enabled features.

Windows Client Architecture - Quiz

Before moving on to the next lesson, click the Quiz link below to test your mastery of PC client architecture.
Windows Client Architecture - Quiz

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