The following instructions outline how to use the Oracle Net Assistant to configure the client log-on procedure.
From the Oracle Oracle Net Assistant, select Profile from the tree directory.
Click the down arrow next to Naming to display the drop-down list.
Select General from the drop-down list. Normally your selection would be highlighted when you rest your mouse cursor on it. For the purposes of this simulation, simply click General.
Click the Logging tab.
Click in the Log Directory field in the Client Information section to place your cursor there. Type c:\orawin\network\logs to specify the directory to which log files will be written on the client. Next, press your Tab key to move to the Log File field and type oracle.trc to
specify the name of the log file on the client. Finally, press your Tab key to move to the Log Directory field in the Server Information section and type :/ora7/home/network/logs to specify the name of the log file on the server.
At this point, you'd click Save As, choose a name for the file and a location to which to save it, and so on. We will assume you do not need to practice the procedure. This is the end of the simulation.