Network Config
Network Admin
Network Topology
Network Topology
Network Topology
Oracle Certification
Networking Overview
History Oracle Networking
Evolution Network Protocols
Oracle Networked Computers
DB Evolution
Distributed Data
Distributed DB Features
Local Autonomy
Fragmentation Independence
Oracle Topology Overview
DB Links Connectivity
Join Tables Remote Sites
Inter Communication
SQL App Connection
SQL Handles Connections
SQL Net Version 1
SQL Net Enhancements
Distributed DB Connectivity
Networking Conclusion
Net Services Architecture
Net Parameter Files
Network Component Tools
Components Functions tnsnames.ora
protocol.ora File
sqlnet.ora File Location
Sqlnet ora File Characteristics
Net Communications Process Level
Create Oracle DBlink
Database Link Connection
SQLnet Architecture Conclusion
ServerSide Configuration
sqlnet Client/Server Components
Listener Manages Oracle Connection
Configuring Oracle Listener
Oracle Net Assistant
Net Assistant Naming Methods
Route Client connection Requests
Set TNS Timeout Value
Setting Listener Password
lsnrctl Listener control Utility
Start listener using lsnrctl
Stop Listener via lsnrctl
Setting Up Protocol Listeners
Client side Configuration
Windows Client Architecture
NET Configuration Assistant
Running Oracle Installer
SQL Net Services - Exercise
Course project, step 1
Define the TNS for the course project.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is worth a total of 12 points. You will receive up to 3 points for correctly identifying each remote database that needs to participate in the Oracle network and the connections that are required from it to the other databases.
Exercise Background
For the course project, we are going to design a database to serve the needs of a fictional company named ABC Corporation.
ABC Corporation has offices in Albuquerque (ABQ), Colorado Springs (CS), Rochester (ROC), and Raleigh (RDU), with the corporate headquarters in Albuquerque.
ABC has a large manufacturing facility in Rochester, N.Y., and retail sites in Colorado Springs and Raleigh.
The retail sites process orders for the products autonomously from the manufacturing facility.
Corporate headquarters needs to capture daily summary information on the total number of orders at each remote site, and they also want to know the total production volumes for each product at the Rochester plant.
In addition, each of the sales offices needs to check the inventory levels at Rochester to ensure that the inventory for each order is in stock.
Exercise Instructions
Given the diagram below, describe the connectivity that is required to link the databases together, and then justify your answer.
For each location, state the names of the remote locations that the system must be able to connect into.
Type or paste your answers into the text box below.
Then click
to submit your answer and view a results page.
ABC Corp offices: 1) CS - Colorado Springs order entry, 2) Rochester (ROC) manufacturing, 3) RDU Raleigh order entry, 4) (ABQ) Albuquerque headquarters