Database Architecture
Database Admin
Managing Users
Managing Objects
Backup Recovery
Admin Tasks
Managing Redo log
DBA Taks
Database Monitoring
Control File Parameters
Protecting Control Files
Removing Control File
Add Control File
Backingup Control File
Recreating Control Files
Checking Parameter Values
v Parameter Dynamic
Changing DB Parameters
Managing DB Parameters
Managing Redo Log
Protecting redoLog Files
Listing RedoLog Files
Create Redo Log Files
Dropping Redo Log Files
Moving Redo Log Files
Manually Switch Log Files
Managing RedoLog Conclusion
Redolog Files
Archivelog Mode
Archive Log Destination
Naming Archive Log Files
Manually Archiving Log File
Archive Log History
Archivelog Mode Conclusion
Manage Tablespace Files
Creating redo Groups - Exercise
Creating new redo Log Files
Create a new redo log group for the COIN database.
Exercise scoring
This is an auto-scored exercise worth 10 points.
Background and Overview
You recently acquired new disks for your system, and you want to create a new redo log group that uses those new disks.
Write the command to create a new redo log group and execute it against your COIN database. Work with whatever drives you have available on your test system.
Submitting your exercise
This is an auto-scored exercise. When you are finished, click the
button to receive full credit.