Use the SHOW PARAMETER command to display parameter values.
Checking Database Parameter Values
Database parameters are initially set in the database parameter file, but
many of them can be changed while the database is running. To view the current value of any parameter, you can issue the SHOW PARAMETER command. SHOW PARAMETER is a Server Manager command, and takes the following form:
SHOW PARAMETER [parameter_name]
Use SHOW PARAMETER by itself to get a list of all the current parameter settings. Supply a parameter name as an argument, and you will see the value for only that one parameter. Pass a partial parameter name as an argument, and you'll see values for all parameters with names containing the string that you pass. The following mouseover shows two examples of this command being used:
The parameter passed to the first command is user_dump_dest, so the value of that parameter is displayed. The parameter passed to the second command is dump_dest. There are two parameters with the string "dump_dest" in their name, so the values of both are displayed. In the next lesson, you will learn more about database parameters by examining the v$parameter view.