Controlfile DB Parameters   «Prev 

v$parameter Characteristics


NUMA number that Oracle uses to identify the parameter internally.
NAMEThe name of the parameter.
TYPEA number representing the parameter type: 1=boolean, 2=string, 3=integer.
VALUEThe current value of the parameter.
ISDEFAULTThis is TRUE if the parameter's value represents the default setting. Otherwise, this is FALSE.
ISSES_MODIFIABLEThis is TRUE if the parameter can be changed for a single user session using the ALTER SESSION command. Otherwise, this is FALSE.
ISSYS_MODIFIABLEThis is either IMMEDIATE, DEFERRED, or FALSE. IMMEDIATE means that the parameter can be changed using ALTER SYSTEM, and the change takes effectimmediately. DEFERRED means that a change takes effect only for future user connections. FALSE means that the parameter cannot be changed by usingALTER SYSTEM.
ISMODIFIEDIndicates whether a parameter was modified. A value of MODIFIED indicates that ALTER SESSION was used to modify the parameter. A value ofSYS_MODIFIED indicates that ALTER SYSTEM was used to modify the parameter. A value of FALSE indicates that the parameter's value has not beenmodified from that specified in the initialization file.
ISADJUSTEDIndicates whether the Oracle software adjusted a parameter setting that you specified. TRUE means that the parameter value was adjusted. FALSEmeans that it wasn't.
DESCRIPTIONA short comment describing the parameter's purpose.


Not all parameters can be modified with an ALTER SYSTEM statement, but you can check to see if a statement is alterable by looking at the v$parameter view. You can see if any parameter can be changed with an ALTER SYSTEM statement by looking at the issys_modifiable column in the v$parameter view.
SQL> desc v$parameter