The operations described by the protocol operate between a protocol client and a back-end database server on which the databases are stored.
The protocol client is expected to know the location and connection information for the databases.
This protocol requires that the protocol client has appropriate permissions to call the stored procedures stored on the back-end database server.
This protocol is designed to maintain configuration objects that are read frequently by many protocol clients, but are updated infrequently and typically by a single protocol client. This protocol is intended for use by protocol clients and protocol servers that are both connected by high-bandwidth, low latency network connections.
Step | System Stored Procedure | Parameters |
N/A | Sp_fulltext_service action, value | Action | Value |
| | resource_usage | Specifies resource priority for the search service | A value of 1 (background) through 5 (dedicated) can be specified, with a default value of 3 |
| | clean_up | Deletes any full-text catalogs that are not in the sysfulltextcatalogs system | This value must be null |
| | connect_timeout | Waiting period (in seconds) before full text catalogs timeout waiting to be populated | Can be from 1K to 32K |
| Action | | |
1 | Sp_fulltext_database action | enable | Enables the database for full-text searching | N/A |
| | disable | Disables the database from full-text searching, but does not delete existing indexes | |
| Action | root_dir | |
2 | Sp_fulltext_catalog catalog_name, action, root_dir | catalog_name | Name of the full-text catalog | Root_dir is the operating system file name that will be used as the basis to store the full-text index. You cannot specify the fully qualified path of the full-text index itself, only the root directory. This is only valid for a create action. |
| | Create | Creates full-text catalog | |
| | Drop | Deletes full-text catalog | |
| | Start_full | Fully populates an existing full-text catalog | |
| | Stop | Stops population of existing full-text catalog | |
| | Rebuild | Rebuilds existing full-text catalog | |
| Action | |
3 and 5 | Sp_fulltext_table table_name, action, catalog_name, unique_index_name | Create | Creates the index in the specified database | NA |
| | Drop | Deletes the index | |
| | Activate | Activates the existing index | |
| | Deactivate | Deactivates the existing index, but does not delete it | |
| Action | column_name |
4 | Sp_fulltext_column table_name, column_name, action | Add | Adds a new column to full-text index | column_name is the column name to add to the full-text index. You can add more than one column to a full_text index, but each column needs to be added individually by using the sp_full_text column system procedure once for each column |
| | Drop | Deletes an existing column from the full-text index | |