Many times in your SQL procedures you need to test the value of a variable, then take some action based on that value.
You can do this with SQL Servers Transact-SQL control-of-flow logic. Control-of-flow logic is a specific set of Transact-SQL commands that you can enter into your Transact-SQL procedures to dynamically control which statements are executed.
The following is a list of the keywords available in Transact-SQL:
BEGIN END Defines a block of Transact-SQL code
GOTO Instructs the processor to go to a specific label defined in the procedure
IF ELSE Tests for conditions that you specify. The results of these conditions always return values of TRUE or FALSE. As such, they are known as Boolean expressions.
RETURN Exits the procedure
WAITFOR Delays the execution of a statement until specific conditions exist
WHILE Loops until a specific condition exists
BREAK Unconditionally exits a WHILE loop
CONTINUE Restarts the WHILE loop
CASE WHEN Tests multiple possibilities for a given condition
The Transact-SQL statement in the following series of images uses most of the keywords listed above:
DECLARE @LoopCount int
SELECT @LoopCount = 0
WHILE @LoopCount < 10
SELECT @LoopCount = @LoopCount + 1
IF @LoopCount = 5
IF @LoopCount = 5
SELECT '@LoopCount is 5'
GOTO Five_label
SELECT '@LoopCount is not 5'
SELECT 'This is the Five_label'
This script initializes a variable, loops with a WHILE statement, breaks when a condition is met, uses conditional statements, and includes a GOTO to jump to a label.
1) @LoopCount is declared as an integer variable that will be used in the rest of the statement
Revised Code for SQL Server 2022 Compatibility
The given Transact-SQL code outline above would not execute successfully in SQL Server 2022 as-is due to the following reasons:
Incorrect Use of SELECT for String Literals
Statements like SELECT '@LoopCount is 5' and SELECT '@LoopCount is not 5' are attempting to use single quotes (') to denote string literals. While this syntax itself is valid, the intention might be to display the string value rather than execute a SELECT query that returns a string literal.
If the goal is to print these strings, use the PRINT statement instead:
PRINT '@LoopCount is 5'
Missing Five_label
The label Five_label is referenced in the GOTO statement but is not defined in this snippet. Although your earlier image contains Five_label and its definition, this specific code block does not include it.
Without the definition of Five_label, SQL Server will raise an error:
Incorrect syntax near 'Five_label'.
RETURN Statement
The RETURN statement is valid in Transact-SQL. However, it must be followed by an optional integer value or simply terminate the execution of the batch. In this case, RETURN is unnecessary for this logic unless it is part of a stored procedure or a function.
Here is the updated and executable version of your Transact-SQL code:
DECLARE @LoopCount int;
SET @LoopCount = 0;
WHILE @LoopCount < 10
SET @LoopCount = @LoopCount + 1;
IF @LoopCount = 5
IF @LoopCount = 5
PRINT '@LoopCount is 5';
GOTO Five_label;
PRINT '@LoopCount is not 5';
PRINT 'This is the Five_label';
Changes Made:
Execution in SQL Server 2022
The revised code will execute successfully and produce the following output:
@LoopCount is 5
This is the Five_label
If the `Five_label` is missing or incorrectly formatted, the code will still fail in SQL Server 2022. Ensure the entire block, including labels, is present.
2) @LoopCount is initialized to a value of 0
3) The WHILE loop is set up to be active as long as the @LoopCount variable is less than 10.
4) The BEGIN and END statement start and stop the loop
5) The @LoopCount variable is incremented by one, then tested. When @LoopCount equals 5, the BREAK statement is executed.
6) When the BREAK statement is executed, the value of @LoopCount will be tested again. Note that no BEGIN ... END construct is needed around the BREAK statement because it is a single statement
7) If @LoopCount = 5, a new loop is entered.
8) A static string is constructed and returned back to the client.
9) SQL Server is instructed to jump immediately to the label Five_label.
10) If @LoopCount did not equal 5.
11) The else condition returns a static string back to the client.
12) The value unconditionally exits from the entire procedure.
13) Placeholder: need to get correct text for this page
14) A string is constructed and returned back to the client, indicating that the code make it into the label.
Using While Statement in SQL-Server
This SQL Server tutorial explains how to use the WHILE LOOP in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
In SQL Server, you use a WHILE LOOP when you are not sure how many times you will execute the loop body and the loop body may not execute even once.
WHILE condition
Parameters or Arguments
condition: The condition is test each pass through the loop. If condition evaluates to TRUE, the loop body is executed. If condition evaluates to FALSE, the loop is terminated.
statements: The statements of code to execute each pass through the loop.
Pay attention to the following facts:
You would use a WHILE LOOP statement when you are unsure of how many times you want the loop body to execute.
Since the WHILE condition is evaluated before entering the loop, it is possible that the loop body may not execute even once.
See also the BREAK statement to exit from the WHILE LOOP early.
See also the CONTINUE statement to restart the WHILE LOOP from the beginning.
Note that the SELECT statement is covered in a later lesson in this module.
The main point of this lesson is to show the structure of how to use logic in your queries. The actual SELECT statements shown are not significant. In the next lesson, the benefits of constructing SQL statements dynamically will be discussed.
Logic with Queries - Exercise
Before moving on to the next lesson, click the Exercise link below to practice writing query logic. Logic within Queries - Exercise