System Table | Purpose | Description |
Backupfile | Msdb | Lists all files that are backed up |
Backupmediafamily | Msdb | Lists information about media families used for backups |
Backupmediaset | Msdb | Lists information about media sets used for backups |
Backupset | Msdb | Lists all backup sets for the server |
MSagent_parameters | Distribution | Stores parameters used for replication agents on the server |
MSagent_profiles | Distribution | Stores profile information for replication agents on the server |
Msarticles | Distribution | Stores information about articles that are replicated on the server |
Msdistpublishers | Distribution | Stores information about remote publishers on the server |
MSdistribution_agents | Distribution | Stores information about distribution agents |
MSdistribution_history | Distribution | Stores historical information about distribution agents |
Msdistributiondbs | Distribution | Contains database information for each server configured as a distributor |
Msdistributor | Distribution | Stores distribution properties |
MSlogreader_agents | Distribution | Stores log reader agent information |
MSlogreader_history | Distribution | Stores historical data about log reader agents |
MSmerge_agents | Distribution | Stores configuration information about merge agents for a distributor |
MSmerge_contents | User | Contains changes to a publication in a database |
MSmerge_delete_conflicts | User | Lists deleted rows for subscriptions in a database that were removed due to conflicts |
MSmerge_genhistory | User | Contains history of generated subscriptions in a database |
MSmerge_history | Distribution | Contains historical merge information for a distributor |
MSmerge_replinfo | User | Contains information about replication information that has been sent to or received from a subscription article |
MSmerge_subscriptions | Distribution | Contains subscription information used by a distributor |
MSmerge_tombstone | User | Lists deleted rows for subscriptions in a database |
MSpublication_access | Distribution | Stores publications that each SQL Server login has access to |
Mspublications | Distribution | Stores information about each publication that a distributor is responsible for |
Mspublisher_databases | Distribution | Stores information about which databases a distributor is responsible for |
MSrepl_commands | Distribution | Stores information about commands that are replicated |
MSrepl_errors | Distribution | Stores information about errors generated during replication |
Msrepl_originators | Distribution | Stores information relating to subscriber and originator |
MSrepl_transactions | Distribution | Stores information replicated transactions |
MSrepl_version | Distribution | Stores information about the version of replication used for a distributor |
MSreplication_objects | Distribution | Stores information about each object that is to be replicated by a distributor |
MSreplication_subscriptions | Distribution | Stores replication information about each subscription |
MSsnapshot_agents | Distribution | Stores information about each snapshot agent that the distributor is responsible for |
MSsnapshot_history | Distribution | Contains historical information about snapshot replication |
MSsubscriber_info | Distribution | Contains information about subscribers that a distributor is responsible for |
MSsubscriber_schedule | Distribution | Contains information about the schedules of subscribers that a distributor is responsible for |
Mssubscription_properties | Distribution | Contains information about the properties of subscriptions that a distributor is responsible for |
Mssubscriptions | Distribution | Contains information about subscriptions that a distributor is responsible for |
Restorefile | Msdb | Lists all files that are restored for the server |
Restorefilegroup | Msdb | Lists all file groups that are restored for the server |
Restorehistory | Msdb | Lists information about all prior restorations of data for the server |
Sysalerts | Msdb | Stores job alert information for SQL Server |
Sysallocations | User | Stores allocation units in a database |
Sysaltfiles | Master | Lists location of database files and properties of those files, such as growth allowances for the server |
Sysarticles | Master | Stores all defined replication articles in all databases |
Sysarticleupdates | User | Stores all articles in a database that can immediately update any subscriber for the article |
Syscacheobjects | Master | Stores information about the usage of the system cache for the server |
Syscategories | Msdb | Stores categories of job-related information, such as jobs, alerts, and operators |
Syscharsets | Master | Stores all character sets that are installed on SQL Server |
Syscolumns | User | Stores all of the columns and views for all tables of a database |
Syscomments | User | Stores the text that makes up stored procedures, views, rules, defaults, and triggers. However, this text will not be readable if it isencrypted. |
Sysconfigures | Master | Stores all of the configuration options for the server |
Sysconstraints | User | Stores information about all of the constraints in a database |
Syscurconfigs | Master | Stores the current configuration options for the server |
Sysdatabases | Master | Lists all of the databases and their properties for the server |
Sysdepends | User | Lists all dependency information objects which depend on other objects) for all objects in a database. |
Sysdevices | Master | Stores location of backup devices for the server |
Sysdownloadlist | Msdb | Stores all download instructions for all target servers |
Sysfilegroups | User | Stores information about the filegroups created in a database |
Sysfiles | User | Virtual table, or view, that stores information about database files |
Sysforeignkeys | User | Stores all foreign key constraints in a database |
Sysfulltextcatalogs | User | Stores full-text searching catalogs in a database |
Sysindexes | User | Stores all indexing information for all indexes in a database |
Sysindexkeys | User | Stores the key fields that are contained in an index |
Sysjobhistory | Msdb | Stores job history and status for prior jobs in SQL Server |
Sysjobs | Msdb | Stores job information for SQL Server |
Sysjobschedules | Msdb | Stores job scheduling information for SQL Server |
Sysjobservers | Msdb | Stores the relationship of servers that are used in job processing |
Sysjobsteps | Msdb | Stores the steps of each job for SQL Server |
Syslanguages | Master | Stores all languages that are installed on SQL Server |
Syslockinfo | Master | Stores information about current SQL Server locks for the server |
Syslogins | Master | Stores all logins that are allowed to log into SQL Server in a virtual table, or a view |
Sysmembers | User | Stores all users who are members of roles within a database |
Sysmergearticles | User | Stores all merge articles in a database |
Sysmergepublications | User | Stores all merge publications in a database |
Sysmergeschemachange | User | Stores information about snapshot articles in a database |
Sysmergesubscriptions | User | Stores information about subscribers of articles in a database |
Sysmergesubsetfilters | User | Stores information about partitioned articles |
Sysmessages | Master | Lists all error and warning messages |
Sysnotifications | Msdb | Stores job notification information for the server |
Sysobjects | User | Stores all objects in a database, such as stored procedures, views, and triggers |
Sysoledbusers | Master | Stores user name and password for each linked SQL Server |
Sysoperators | Msdb | Stores information about job operators for the server |
Sysperfinfo | Master | Stores information about SQL Servers performance counters |
Syspermissions | User | Stores permissions for users, groups, and roles in a database |
Sysprocesses | Master | Lists data about the currently running processes in SQL Server |
Sysprotects | User | Stores permissions for objects in a database |
Syspublications | Master | Stores all defined replication publications in all databases |
Sysreferences | User | Stores foreign key mappings for each foreign key defined in a database |
Sysremotelogins | Master | Stores information about logins that are allowed to run remote stored procedures for the server |
Sysreplicationalerts | Master | Stores all defined replication alert conditions in all databases |
Sysservers | Master | Stores all servers that can be accessed by using OLE DB. |
Syssubscriptions | Master | Stores all defined replication publication in all databases |
Systargetservergroupmembers | Msdb | Stores information about which servers are members of server groups |
Systargetservergroups | Msdb | Stores information about groups of servers that are used within jobs |
Systargetservers | Msdb | Stores information about servers that are used within jobs |
Systaskids | Msdb | Stores information about tasks used in prior versions of SQL Server |
Systypes | User | Stores user-defined type information as defined within a database |
Sysusers | User | Stores information about users or roles of a database |
USE { database }
-- Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Parallel Data Warehouse
USE database_name
SQL Server Arguments:
- database: Is the name of the database or database snapshot to which the user context is switched. Database and database snapshot names must comply with the rules for identifiers.
- In Azure SQL Database, the database parameter can only refer to the current database. The USE statement does not switch between databases, and will result in
- error code 40508 is returned. To change databases, you must directly connect to the database.
You will receive an error if you query a system table that does not exist in the current database.
Therefore, always change to the desired database before issuing your query against a system table.
Example: the Sysusers table:
The Sysusers table stores information about users or roles of a database. The following statement will identify which users have access to the Timesheets database.
USE Timesheets
FROM sysusers
WHERE issqlrole = 0
Notice the
clause, which specifies that no
SQL Server role records will be returned. If you use this
clause, your returned data won't be cluttered with these roles if you only want to see users. A group of users who are allowed the same access permission to certain objects. There are two main types of roles that come pre-installed in SQL Server 2012.0:..1. Fixed Server Role - allowed to perform administrative functions on specific, pre-defined categories of built-in objects.
2. Fixed Database Role - allowed to perform database-specific tasks, such as INSERTING, UPDATING, DELETING, or SELECTING data. In the next lesson, you will learn about and practice writing logic within queries.