Oracle Connection Manager is a multipurpose networking solution that offers increased scalability, multiprotocol connectivity and secure network access control. It offers the following features to Oracle network:
Connection multiplexing
Access control
Source routing
Multiprotocol Support
Firewall Proxy Support
Oracle Connection Manager enables large numbers of users to connect to a single server by acting as a connection concentrator to funnel multiple client database sessions across a single network connection. This is done through multiplexed network connections, a networking feature included with Oracle Net. Oracle Connection Manager reduces operating system resource requirements by minimizing the number of network connections made to a server. Network bottlenecks are thus avoided and system scalability significantly increases so that thousands of users can now access a single database.
To configure Connection Manager
run the (CMAN) Connection Manager,
Oracle Net Manager or
CMAN utility (line commands).
Configuring the Connection Manager
Oracle Connection Manager[1] is automatically installed when you install Oracle Enterprise Edition.
Its default configuration listens for TCP/IP connections on port 1630.
It also listens for administration commands (issued from Oracle Net Manager or CMAN) on the TCP/IP port 1830.
If you need to change these defaults (for example, if you must assign the Connection Manager to a different port), you must create a cman.ora file and locate it in the same directory as the tnsnames.ora file. An example of the cman.ora file (including good documentation of the parameters) is provided in the ORACLE_HOME\Network\Admin\Sample directory.
Here is what a typical cman.ora file looks like:
We will discuss the parameters needed for features such as multiplexing later in this module.
Running the Connection Manager
You should use the CMAN utility to run the Connection Manager. You can view the status of the Connection Manager, start the service, and stop the service using this utility. Follow along with the SlideShow to see how to start, show status, and stop the Connection Manager.
Running Oracle Connection Manager
1) Begin by opening an operating system session
2) Issue the status command to see what the Connection Manager is currently doing
3) Issue the start cman command to start up the CMAN and ADMIN processes. The CMAN process is the one that actually runs the Connection Manager and the ADMIN process is the one that accepts commands to modify or monitor the Connection Manager
4) The setting will only take effect until the Connection Manager is shut down.
5) Issue the shutdown command to stop the Connection Manager
The Connection Manager can help you streamline the handling of multiple connections into your database.
The next lesson covers multiplexing.