Below is a detailed list of the steps you should have taken to correctly complete the simulation.
- Right-click the Recordset DTC.
- Select Properties from the menu.
- Enter CustRecords in the Name field and click the button to the left of SQL statement.
- The completed SELECT statement is shown below with the missing pieces highlighted.
SELECT CustNo, LName, FName, ADDR1, ADDR2, City, ST, Zip
FROM CustTable WHERE ST = ?
- After completing the statement, click the Implementation tab.
- Deselect Automatically open the Recordset.
- Select the Parameters tab.
- Enter txtState in the Value column and click the Close box.
- The completed script is shown below with the missing pieces highlighted.
dim txtState
txtState = Request("state")
- After completing the script, right-click anywhere in the source editor.
- Select View in browser.
- Type AZ in the Search field.