Add a recordset object and bind it to other controls in the database to display data.
Binding data-bound Design Time Controls
Design Time Controls (DTCs) are one of the drag-and-drop features in PHP that lets you generate HTML, DHTML, and XML statements to be used in your Web page. The image of the toolbox below shows some of the DTCs available in PHP.
Data-bound DTCs[1] make it quite easy to add user interface elements to the database. With them, your application can connect to and navigate in the database,
as well as make changes to recordsets. The PHP data-bound DTCs include HTML controls, the recordset control, RecordsetNavBar control, and the Grid control. You'll learn to use all of these in this module.
The following simulation shows you how to add a new page to the project and use the recordset and HTML DTCs to display data.
Accessing Data with
Design Time Controls
In the next lesson, you will learn how to add a command object to a Web page.
Binding DataBound Design TimeControls - Exercise
Click the Exercise link below to practice adding a Recordset DTC that allows users to browse current specials in the Web site. Binding DataBound Design TimeControls - Exercise
[1]data-bound DTC:
A data-bound DTC is associated with a specific data item. DTCs are not data-bound until this is done.
For example, you can drag a DTC onto a page, but it is not bound to anything until it's properties are set.