The recordset object has several properties, methods, and events that are exposed to scripting. The following tables provide a brief description of each.
Property | Purpose | Syntax |
absolutePosition | specifies the absolute position of the current record | recordset.absolutePosition[=index] |
BOF | indicates whether the cursor is positioned before the first record | recordset.BOF |
EOF | indicates whether the cursor is at the end of the recordset | recordset.EOF |
fields | specifies an instance of the Fields object | recordset.fields |
id | returns a unique identifier for the object | |
maintainState | specifies whether object state is maintained during server processing | recordset.maintainState[=boolean] |
name | returns the name of the object | |
Method | Purpose | Syntax |
addRecord | creates a new record in the recordset | recordset.addRecord() |
advise | registers an object to be notified when a specified event occurs and to call a particular function | recordset.advise(event, function) |
cancelUpdate | cancels any changes being made to the current record | recordset.cancelUpdate() |
close | closes the recordset object | recordset.close() |
deleteRecord | deletes the current record | recordset.delete() |
getBookmark | returns a bookmark for the current record | recordset.getBookmark() |
getConnectString | returns a string or object that specifies the data connection | recordset.getConnectString() |
getCount | returns the number of records in the recordset | recordset.getCount() |
getDHTMLDataSourceID | returns a string from the DHTML data source's ID | recordset.getDHTMLDataSourceID() |
getParameter | returns a parameter from a stored procedure or parameterized query | recordset.getParameter(index) |
getRecordSource | returns the ADO recordset object | recordset.getRecordSource() |
getSQLText | returns the SQL statement that queries the database | recordset.getSQLTextg() |
isOpen | returns whether the recordset object is open | recordset.isOpen() |
move | moves the cursor the specified number of positions | recordset.move(records) |
moveAbsolute | moves the cursor to the specified record | recordset.move(index) |
moveFirst | moves to the first record in the recordset | recordset.moveFirst() |
moveLast | moves to the last record in the recordset | recordset.moveLast() |
moveNext | moves to the next record in the recordset | recordset.moveNext() |
open | opens a recordset object | recordset.Open() |
requery | requerys the database | recordset.requery() |
setBookmark | sets a bookmark to a particular record | recordset.Bookmark(bookmark) |
setParameter | sets a parameter for a parameterized query or stored procedure | recordset.setParameter.(index, parameter) |
setRecordSource | sets connection properties for opening a recordset object | recordset.setRecordSource(ADO|conn,SQL) |
setSQLText | sets the SQL statement to query the database | recordset.setSQLText(sql) |
unadvise | cancels the registration of an object | recordset.unadvise(event, id) |
updateRecord | updates the current record | recordset.updateRecord() |
Event | Occurs | Syntax |
onafterupdate | after a record is updated | recordset_onafterupdate |
onbeforeopen | just before a recordset object is opened | recordset_onbeforeupdate |
onbeforeupdate | just before a record is updated | recordset_onbeforeupdate |
ondatasetchanged | when a change is made to the recordset object | recordset_ondatasetchanged |
ondatasetcomplete | when the server finishes downloading the recordset | recordset_ondatasetsomplete |
onrowenter | when the cursor moves to another record | recordset_onrowenter |
onrowexit | when the cursor moves to another record | recordset.onrowexit |