Lesson 5 | One-to-one relationships, part 2 |
Objective | Identify one-to-one Relationships |
Role of Business Relationships in a One-to-One Relationship in ERD Modeling
In Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) modeling, a one-to-one (1:1) relationship represents a scenario where each instance of
"Entity A" is associated with at most one instance of "Entity B", and vice versa. The role of business relationships in a one-to-one relationship is crucial in defining
real-world constraints, dependencies, and data integrity.
- 1. Business Context and Use Cases
- A "one-to-one" relationship often arises in business scenarios where:
- An entity has an optional or exclusive dependency on another entity.
- Data is separated due to security, performance, or normalization concerns.
- Examples:
- Employee ↔ Company Car: Each employee is assigned at most one company car, and each car is assigned to one employee.
- User ↔ Profile Details: A user account can have one profile with additional details stored separately.
- Person ↔ Passport: A person has at most one passport, and each passport belongs to one person.
- 2. Enforcing Business Rules and Data Integrity
- A 1:1 relationship helps in:
- Ensuring Uniqueness: Each entity instance corresponds to only one instance of the related entity.
- Reducing Redundancy: Sensitive or rarely used data can be stored separately.
- Maintaining Security: Confidential details can be stored in a different table with restricted access.
- 3. Implementation in ERD
- Represented using two entities with a single relationship line labeled 1:1.
- One of the entities may have a foreign key referencing the primary key of the other entity.
- If the relationship is mandatory, the foreign key is NOT NULL; otherwise, it may allow NULLs.
- 4. Physical Database Design
- In relational database design, a one-to-one relationship can be implemented by:
- Merging tables (if data is frequently used together).
- Using Foreign Keys to enforce the relationship.
- Partitioning Data to enhance security or performance.
Determine Relationships by analyzing Business Rules
Relationship types are determined by interpreting business rules and common-sense rules that characterize entities in relationships. Consider this business rule: Employees in the company are each assigned their own office. This rule means that for
each employee there exists a
unique office, and for
each office there exists a
unique employee. The entities in the example are EMPLOYEE and OFFICE, with EMPLOYEE:OFFICE forming a
1:1 relationship, and OFFICE:EMPLOYEE forming a 1:1 relationship.
- 1:1 Relationships and key Attributes: Once a 1:1 relationship has been identified, the entity that receives the key attribute from its associated entity may be determined by identifying the type of participation each entity has in the relationship. (Types of participation are discussed later in this module.) If identifying the type of participation for each entity fails to help (and it often fails to help), the decision is arbitrary as to which entity in the relationship receives the key attribute to form the link.
- Mapping 1:1 relationships: Before tackling a 1:1 relationship, we need to know its optionality.
There are three possibilities the relationship can be:
- mandatory at both ends
- mandatory at one end and optional at the other
- optional at both ends
One-to-one relationships should be analyzed carefully. For example, what if the organization grows and more employees need to be hired? Is the organization willing to abandon its business rule and assign more than one employee to an office?
The designer should verify the intent behind all
one-to-one relationships with the organization's managers.
Example of One-to-One Relationships
Consider, for a moment, an airport in a small town, where both the airport and the town are described in a database of small-town airports. Each of these might be represented by an instance of a different type of entity. The relationship between the two instances can be expressed as "The airport is located in one and only one town, and the town has one and only one airport."
This is a true one-to-one relationship because at no time can a single airport be related to more than one town, and no town can be related to more than one airport. (Although there are municipalities that have more than one airport, the towns in the database are too small for that to ever happen.)
If we have instances of two entities (A and B) called Ai and Bi, then a one-to-one relationship exists if at all times Ai is related to no instances of entity B or one instance of entity B, and Bi is related to no instances of entity A or one instance of entity A.
True one-to-one relationships are very rare in business. For example, assume that DistributedNetworks decides to start dealing with a new distributor of DVDs. At first, the company orders only one specialty title from the new distributor. If we peered inside the database, we would see that the instance of the distributor entity was related to just the one merchandise item instance. This would then appear to be a one-to-one relationship. However, over time, DistributedNetworks may choose to order more titles from the new distributor, which would violate the rule that the distributor must be related to no more than one merchandise item.
Six-Step Relational Database Design
one To one Relationships - Exercise
Before moving on to the next lesson, click the Exercise link below to check your understanding of one-to-one relationships.
one-to-one Relationships - Exercise
The next lesson defines one-to-many relationships.