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Recovery Catalog Maintenance - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answers for each question.
1. Using the following commands, which of the following is true?

rman target 'scott/tiger/rcvcat rman/rman@rcvcat append

Please select all the correct answers.
  A. The target database is local.
  B. The recovery catalog is not local.
  C. The RMAN commands and output will appear on your screen.
  D. The RMAN commands and output will be appended to the current log file.

2. You have manually deleted the data file d:\backup\devorc1.dbf from your backup staging area. Which change command must you also perform to make sure the recovery catalog reflects this change?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. uncatalog
  B. available
  C. delete
  D. validate