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Lesson 1

Run the Enterprise Manager Console from a browser

To run Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express from a browser in Oracle 19c, follow these steps:
1. Ensure Enterprise Manager (EM) is Installed and Running
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) is a web-based management tool available in Oracle 19c. It must be configured and running to access it via a browser.
2. Check the Listener Status
Run the following command in SQL*Plus or SQLcl to check if the database listener is running:
lsnrctl status
If the listener is not running, start it with:
lsnrctl start

3. Check If EM Express is Configured Log in to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA:
sqlplus / as sysdba
Run the following query to check the EM Express port:
  • If a port is returned, EM is configured.
  • If the port is 0 (zero), enable the EM Express port.

4. Enable EM Express in Oracle 19c
If no port is configured, set one manually:
or (for HTTP access, though HTTPS is recommended):
Then verify the change:

5. Access Enterprise Manager from a Browser
Once EM Express is enabled, open your browser and enter the URL:
  • For HTTPS (default):
  • For HTTP (if enabled):

Replace `` with your database server’s hostname or IP address.
If you are running Oracle locally, use:

6. Log in to Enterprise Manager
  • Username:
    • `sys`
  • Password:
    • (your SYS password)
  • Connect As:
    • `SYSDBA`

Click Login to access EM Express.
7. Troubleshooting If EM does not load:
  • Ensure the database and listener are running:
          lsnrctl start
          sqlplus / as sysdba
  • Check if the firewall is blocking the port:
          firewall-cmd --list-all
          firewall-cmd --add-port=5500/tcp --permanent
          firewall-cmd --reload
  • Restart the database and listener:
          shutdown immediate;
          lsnrctl stop
          lsnrctl start

Conclusion: You should now be able to access Oracle Enterprise Manager Express from your browser.

Setting up Enterprise Manager on the Web

The Enterprise Manager console has been improved and enhanced so that you can run it from the Web and so that you can easily create and monitor remote databases. You can set up the console to send you an email or call your pager when something happens to the database. In this module, you will learn how to set up the console to run from the Web, monitor the database, and notify you of database changes via email.
  • Module Objectives
    By the end of the module you will be able to:
    1. Set up a Web-based Enterprise Manager console
    2. Create a user for running batch jobs for the Enterprise Manager
    3. Configure Management Server to use a specified user for its batch jobs and email
    4. Create an event to monitor the database
    Once you become familiar with the console, you will think of lots of important tasks that it can handle for you in your role as Database Administrator (DBA).

The next lesson teaches you how to configure and run the console on the Web.

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