Database Architecture
Database Admin
Managing Users
Managing Objects
Backup Recovery
Admin Tasks
Internet Features
Database Administration
Managing Storage
Tablespace Resource Management
Large Database Features
Internet Database Configurations
Security Features
Installation Configuration
Universal Installer
Parameter Initialization Changes
Configuration Assistant
Universal Installer Upgrade
Software Packager
Install Conclusion
Intro Table Space
Table Space Management
Locally Managed Tablespaces
Transportable Tablespaces
Read Only Tablespaces
DB Resource Manager
Use Resource Manager
Resource Manager Conclusion
SQL Loader Improvements
Load LOB Data SQL Loader
Table Management Enhancements
Relocate | Restructure Table
Create Temporary Table
Remove Unused Column
Oracle Database Limits
Oracle Enhancements
JDBC Client
Multimedia | Oracle
Java Oracle
Intermedia Exchange
Text Retrieval
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Tools Features
JSP Web Development
Directory Conclusion
Web Enterprise
Oracle Internet Directory - Exercise
Oracle Internet Directory
Design a strategy for directories and files
Organize files, applications, and data for a website.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is worth a maximum of 10 points.
The House-O-Pets is just starting out with a new Web site: a mixture of Web pages, database data, and image files that all combine to make your online product catalog. You have found that the current format of dynamic Web pages (created by your application) does not provide the kind of search capabilities that you would have if the data were in HTML files. In addition, the dynamic Web pages have been causing slow response times as the number of users increases. Your task is to design the directory and file structures that will let your users search the Web site with a conventional search engine tool and will deliver all the database data needed in the catalog. In the end, you will be replacing the dynamic Web pages with what appear to be static Web pages delivered by the Oracle Directory Server.
Download files
Not applicable.
Observe the project information. The e-commerce tab contains details about the online catalog application. Using these details, devise your own set of Web directories and files to deliver the project information. Your design should include a list of directories and files and should address these questions:
How can you use interMedia to deliver image files?
Why does Internet Directory make data maintenance easier?
Submitting your exercise
Place the text of your design in the box below and click the
I designed an application named "" which displays two of the pages in this system: the "Search for a product" page and the "View List of Products" page.
Web Directories and files:
Directory: webapps
Directory: webstdgraphics
Contents: logo.gif, menubar.gif
Directory: productdetails
Contents: one web page for each product. File names would be product123.htm, where 123 is the product id of each product.
Directory: productphotos
Contents: one image file for each product. File names would be product123.gif or product123.jpg, where 123 is the product id of each product.
Use Internet Directory to generate and maintain each of the product pages in the productdetails directory.
Use interMedia to place a copy of each product photo into the "productphotos" directory. Write a PL/SQL routine that refreshes the copy whenever a modification is made to the original photo.