Monitoring Databases  «Prev 

SQL-Server sqlmaint.exe Syntax

1) ? generates a listing of the parameter
1) ? generates a listing of the parameter
S<Server Name> is the SQL Server to connect to
U<Login ID> is the SQL Server login to use when connecting to the SQL Server
P <Password> indicates the password for the login

2) Database is the database to maintain
-D <Database Name>
[-Rpt <Output File>] [-To <Operator Name>]
D<Database Name> is the database to maintain
Rpt <Output File> is the full path of the report file
To <Operator Name> is the account to email a report to

3) CkDB | - CkDBNoldx will run dbcc checked or dbcc checkdb with the no index option
3) CkDB | - CkDBNoldx will run dbcc checked or dbcc checkdb with the no index option

4) UpdSts will udpate the statistics on every table, index and statistic group in the database.
4) UpdSts will udpate the statistics on every table, index and statistic group in the database.

15) BkUpDB Path will back up the database
5) BkUpDB <Backup Path> backs up the database.
BkUpLog <Backup Path> backs up the transaction log.

6) UpdOptiStats </% of Database to Sample>
6) UpdOptiStats <% of Database to Sample> allows you to specify how much of the database to sample when generating statistics.

7) PlanId < GUID identifying the maintenance plan ... allows you to specify an existing database maintenance plan.
7) PlanId < GUID identifying the maintenance plan ... allows you to specify an existing database maintenance plan. The only thing from the plan that will be used is the list of database.

8) CrBkSubdir creates a sub-directory for storing the backup files.
8) CrBkSubdir creates a sub-directory for storing the backup files.

9) ? generates a list of the parameter.
9) S <Server Name> is the SQL Server to connect to.