Write a query using a DEREF data type to retrieve related data.
Writing Queries that use DEREF in Oracle
In this lesson, we will look at an example that uses a DEREF data type to retrieve related data.
DEREF is a dereference operator that returns the value of an object. Unlike the VALUE operator, it takes a correlation argument[1], which is a REF (reference) to the object. Therefore, if you have a REF column within a table and you want to retrieve the target object instead of the reference to it, use DEREF. The following series of images shows the syntax for using the DEREF data type:
1) DEREF is an operator that dereferences a reference. DEREF accepts a correlation argument, which is the reference (REF) to an object, and returns the reference object.
DEREF is an operator that dereferences a reference.
DEREF returns the reference object.
DEREF accepts a correlation argument, which is the reference (REF) to an object
2) Syntax for using the DEREF operator is as follows
SELECT DEREF(object_reference)
FROM object_table_name
WHERE column_name=<variable_value>
When the REF argument is passed to the DEREF operator, it returns the object.
3) In this example, we use the DEREF operator to return the object from PET_CARE_LOG_OBJ_TABLE:
SELECT DEREF (product_id)
FROM pet_care_log_obj_table WHERE log_datetime>=TO_DATE('01/02/2000',
DEREF syntax
DEREF returns the object instance that the REF value points to. This is more easily explained with a simple example.
In this case, DEREF is passed the REF value for the correlation ID of the inventory_tbl:
FROM inventory_tbl i
WHERE item_id = 1;
The object instance associated with the REF value of item_id 1 is returned:
In the next lesson, we will explain when PL/SQL is appropriate or required for querying object tables. Now that you have learned about the DEREF data type, click the link below to learn more about retrieving related data.
Build Deref Query
Using DEREF in a SELECT INTO Statement
emp employee_typ;
emp_ref REF employee_typ;
emp_name VARCHAR2(50);
SELECT REF(e) INTO emp_ref FROM employee_tab e
WHERE e.employee_id = 370;
The following assignment raises an error, not allowed in PL/SQL
//is not allowed, cannot use DEREF in procedural statements
-- use dummy table DUAL
emp_name := emp.first_name || ' ' || emp.last_name;
[1]Correlation argument: A correlation argument is a parameter, which is passed when a function is used, e.g. the VALUE finction requires the table alias to be passed as a parameter or correlation argument.