Oracle for Administrators Certification Exam and PL/SQL Programming
PL/SQL Features is the first course of a five-part series.
PL/SQL Features is the first part of a series that will complete your preparation for the Oracle Administrators certification exam.
These same five courses, when taken after completing our Introduction to Oracle Certification Series, will complete your preparation for the Oracle DBA certification exams.
Oracle Certification
This course will prepare you for one of the following Oracle certification exams:
- Exam [1Z0-061, 1Z0-051, 1Z0-047]
This database administration exam is one of five that you must pass in order to earn certification as an Oracle database administrator.
The current Oracle exams for the year 2016 are:
Exam Number:
Pass one SQL Exam:
- Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals 1Z0-061 or
- Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I 1Z0-051 or
- Oracle Database SQL Expert 1Z0-047
Exam Product Version: Oracle Database 11g, 12c
Study Guide for 1Z0-146: Oracle Database 11g: Advanced PL/SQL (Oracle Certification Prep)
Oracle SQL
Oracle certification tracks
There are several Oracle certification tracks and this module is concerned with the Oracle Database Administration certification track, specifically for release 12c of the database. There are three levels of DBA certification: Certified Associate (OCA),
Certified Professional (OCP), and Certified Master (OCM). The OCA qualification is based on two examinations:
The OCP qualification requires passing a third examination. These examinations can be taken at many Oracle Testing Centers or Pearson VUE Authorized Test Centers and consist of 60 to 70 questions to be completed in 90 minutes.
The OCM qualification requires completing a further two-day evaluation at an Oracle testing center, involving simulations of complex environments and use of advanced techniques. To prepare for the first OCA examination, you can attend an Oracle University instructor-led training course, you can study Oracle University online learning material, or you can study this module. In all cases, you should also refer to the Oracle
Documentation Library for details on syntax. This course will be a valuable addition to other study methods, but it is also sufficient by itself. It has been designed with the examination objectives in mind,
though it also includes a great deal of information that will be useful to you in the course of your work.
For readers working in development, the subject matter of this book is also the starting point for studying Oracle Corporation’s development tools: SQL, PL/SQL, and the APEX development environment.
SQL is an amazing language and the exam and this website are the first steps in a journey that is likely to last the length of your career. Study the material and experiment and as you work through the exercises and sample questions and
become more familiar with the Oracle environment, you will realize that there is one golden rule:
When in doubt, try it out.