How to start Net listener service with Enterprise Manager.
Starting up Net Listener with Enterprise Manager Console
You may already know how to use the Enterprise Manager console to monitor your database node and email you if it goes down. In this lesson, you will see how to create a job in the console that you can run if you need to restart the listeners on a node after you have restarted the database. Follow along with the following series of images as we create a job that can start a listener.
The gallery begins at the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
To start the console on Windows, choose the Console selection from the Enterprise Management menu item, which you can reach from Programs/Oracle-OEM Home selection on your Start menu
1) I have expanded the Navigator frame of the console. We will be creating a job, so I have selected Create Job from the Job menu.
2) The Create Job window begins in the General tab, where I have filled in a job name, selected Listener as the destination type, chosen the listener called "caolspc_listener"
3) Clicking the Tasks tab displays a list of tasks appropriate for a listener.
4) The job has been created now. To view the job, click Job Library from the job menu.
5) To run the job, select START_LISTENER and then click the Submit button. Monitor the job results in the Job Active or Job History area of the console.
If you were to set up jobs like this ahead of time, you could easily restart a listener process on your remote database nodes.
The next lesson shows you how to start the listeners with a line command.