Advanced SQL Course Continuation
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The website DistributedNetworks discusses Active Directory Administration, Advanced Unix Concepts, Unix Shell Programming, Shell Scripting, Linux Network Administration, Unix System Administration, and Network Security and Firewalls.
How Data Warehousing is related to Reporting
A data warehouse is a repository of transaction and nontransaction data
used for querying, reporting, and corporate decision making. The data typically come from multiple sources. They are not used for day-to-day corporate operations, and therefore once data have been stored, the data generally do not change as much as the databases we have used as
examples up to this point. Because of the cost associated with creating and maintaining a data warehouse, only very large organizations establish their own. Tables can grow to hold millions of rows; storage capacities have now moved into the petabyte range. Full-fledged data warehouses therefore require mainframe processing capabilities or clusters of smaller servers.
Software Management
The software that manages a data warehouse is typically a relational DBMS. However, data modeling is somewhat different because the goals of the data warehouse are different from an operational transaction-based database. How data warehouses fit into the information strategy of
large organizations, as well as how and why their designs differ from the relational data model will be discussed in the next several paragraphs.