SQL Functions   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 2 Function overview
Objective Understand Issues related to the Use of SQL Functions

SQL Function Overview

SQL functions are powerful tools that enable complex queries and data manipulation. However, there are several challenges related to their use:
  1. Performance Issues
    • Overhead in Execution: Functions can cause performance bottlenecks, especially when they are used inside complex queries, such as in WHERE, JOIN, or GROUP BY clauses.
    • Row-by-Row Processing: Scalar functions, in particular, tend to execute row-by-row, which is less efficient compared to set-based operations.
    • Index Usage: Using functions on indexed columns can prevent SQL from efficiently using the index, leading to full table scans and slower query performance.
  2. Portability
    • Vendor-Specific Functions: SQL functions are not standardized across all databases. Different RDBMS vendors (e.g., Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL) have proprietary functions, making it difficult to write portable SQL code.
    • Inconsistent Syntax: Even for similar functions, the syntax may vary between systems, leading to challenges when migrating databases or creating cross-database applications.
  3. Maintainability
    • Complexity: Excessive use of functions can make queries harder to read and maintain. Complex nested functions can obscure the logic of the query, making troubleshooting and debugging more difficult.
    • Code Duplication: Frequently used functions might get duplicated instead of being modularized, increasing maintenance effort when changes are required.
  4. Security
    • SQL Injection Vulnerabilities: Poorly written functions that take user inputs can be susceptible to SQL injection attacks if not properly sanitized or parameterized.
    • Privileges: Certain functions may require elevated privileges (e.g., system-level functions), which can inadvertently introduce security risks if not properly controlled.
  5. Deterministic vs. Non-Deterministic Functions
    • Non-Deterministic Behavior: Functions like NOW(), RANDOM(), or UUID() return different results on each execution, which can lead to unexpected or inconsistent outcomes, especially in aggregate queries.
    • Optimizations: Non-deterministic functions can prevent optimizations like query result caching or the re-use of execution plans, further impacting performance.
  6. Side Effects
    • Modifying Data: Some databases allow user-defined functions to modify data (e.g., UPDATE, INSERT inside a function), which can lead to unexpected side effects and make the query logic more difficult to follow.
    • Impacts on Transactions: Using such functions in transactions can cause complications, especially if the function fails, requiring rollback of partial operations.
  7. Data Type Compatibility
    • Implicit Conversion Issues: Functions that perform implicit data type conversions can lead to unexpected behavior. For instance, using CONCAT() with numeric fields can cause unintended type coercion or rounding.
    • Precision Loss: Functions dealing with numeric or date-time fields can lead to precision loss if not handled carefully.

These challenges require careful consideration when using SQL functions in complex queries or in systems where performance and maintainability are critical.

SQL Data Analytics
When you use functions, it is not likely that you will just be adding values together. What you will be doing, however, is using the built-in functions to perform more helpful work with your database table values. You might recall from the discussion of views that there are cases in which a view is updateable and cases in which it is read-only. If you create a view that includes a function, the view will not be updateable. Since the value returned from the view is actually a formula result, it is not possible to update the values that make up the result. This will force your view to be read-only if you use a function. Also, when you have a function return a value, there will, by default, be no column header for that value. Remember, you can name the column by indicating the column name in your query:
SELECT 'ColumnName'=Function...

Here is an example:
SELECT 'Name'=au_Fname + '' + au_Lname 
FROM Authors

This results in a derived column, Name, that will contain the results from adding the two columns together.

aggregate function count()

The aggregate function count() counts the number of rows in each group, and the asterisk tells the server to count everything in the group. Using the combination of a group by clause and the count() aggregate function, you are able to generate exactly the data needed to answer the business question without having to look at the raw data. When grouping data, you may need to filter out undesired data from your result set based on groups of data rather than based on the raw data. Since the group by clause runs after the where clause has been evaluated, you cannot add filter conditions to your where clause for this purpose. For example, here is an attempt to filter out any cases where an employee has opened fewer than five accounts:
mysql> SELECT open_emp_id, COUNT(*) how_many
-> FROM account
-> WHERE COUNT(*) > 4
-> GROUP BY open_emp_id;
ERROR 1111 (HY000): Invalid use of group function

You cannot refer to the aggregate function count(*) in your where clause, because the groups have not yet been generated at the time the where clause is evaluated. Instead, you must put your group filter conditions in the having clause. Here's what the query would look like using having:
mysql> SELECT open_emp_id, COUNT(*) how_many
-> FROM account
-> GROUP BY open_emp_id
-> HAVING COUNT(*) > 4;
| open_emp_id | how_many |
| 1 | 8 |
| 10 | 7 |
| 16 | 6 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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