Describe the function of the Oracle Web architecture.
Using Web Request Broker
Oracle Web Server Components
Oracle's Web architecture is composed of many components that work together to provide a complete application environment.
These components may or may not be included in the architecture of your Oracle Web application, depending on the version you install.
Here are the basic WebServer components include the Web Listener, the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), the Web Request Broker
(WRB), the PL/SQL Agent, The Oracle WebToolkit, Oracle Java Cartridges, and the Oracle LiveHTML Cartridges.
Oracle Web Architecture Components
The text below describes each of the four Web Architecture components.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
The first component we will discuss is the Common Gateway Interface. CGI is and will be the main gateway between the Web and database systems for some time to come. Let us look more closely at how CGI functions. A CGI program is executed in real time, to output dynamic documents that are flexible in meeting the changing needs of users. The series of images below describes this important protocol, and how it works.
Oracle Web Architecture Components
1) The Common Gateway Interface is a protocol that provides a gateway between the web and programs external to the web server, such as an Oracle Database
2) The purpose of a web database gateway is to provide a web-based application with the ability to manipulate data stored in an Oracle Database.
3) CGI enables external applications, such as a clickable image maps and fill-in forms, to interface with information servers
4) Web database gateways, made possible by CGI, link stateful systems (database connections) with a stateless, connectionless protocol (HTTP).
The Common Gateway Interface is a protocol that provides a gateway between the web and programs external to the web server, such as an Oracle Database
The purpose of a web database gateway is to provide a web-based application with the ability to manipulate data stored in an Oracle Database.
CGI enables external applications, such as a clickable image maps and fill-in forms, to interface with information servers
Web database gateways, made possible by CGI, link stateful systems (database connections) with a stateless, connectionless protocol (HTTP).