The diagram shows a Microsoft Access relationship diagram and a query design interface. From this, we can analyze the tables and their relationships:
Tables Relationships
Here's the requested HTML structure:
Clients → Projects
A one-to-many relationship exists between the Company field in the Clients table and the Company field in the Projects table. This indicates that a single company can have multiple projects.
Projects → Hours
A one-to-many relationship exists between the Project ID field in the Projects table and the ProjectID field in the Hours table.
This indicates that a single project can have multiple entries in the Hours table.
Query Analysis
The query in the design view is set up as follows:
Fields in the Query:
Project Description (from Projects table)
Date (from Hours table)
Hours worked (from Hours table)
Date is sorted in ascending order.
Date has a condition: Between #8/31/99# And ... (criteria appears partially cut off but suggests a date range filter).
This setup indicates a query designed to show project descriptions, dates, and hours worked, filtered by a specific date range and sorted chronologically by date.
Your result should appear like this in the Design view.
There is more than one way to enter the Date criteria; however, because there are two criteria for a single field joined by AND, both
criteria must be entered in the Criteria row. Either of the following correctly defines the criteria:
Between 8/31/99 And 11/1/99
>=9/1/99 And <=10/30/99
>8/31/99 And <11/1/99
Access will add the # to mark the dates automatically if you do not add them. To save the query with a new name, choose File>>Save As from the menu, type the new name, and press Enter. To define the sort order, click the Sort row for the Date column, display the drop-down list, and choose Ascending.
Your datasheet should look like this:
Compile specs for network hardware