You may find that the query you first design does not meet your requirements. Fortunately, queries are easy to edit if you know how.
Adding or deleting Access Table
You can add a table to a query by redisplaying the Show Table dialog box and adding the new table. Click the Show Table button
Show Table Dialog Box
to display the Show Table dialog box.
Moving tables
You can move tables boxes around the table pane in the same way that you can move table boxes in the Relationships window,,
just click the title bar of the box and drag the table to where you want it to appear. This feature remains consistent with previous versions of MS Access to help visually organize and manage tables.
Adding a field to an Access Table:
You can add a field to the query in the same way that you originally added fields. Just double-click the field name in the top pane.
Alternatively, you can click and drag the field to exactly where you want to put it in the query grid,
all the fields to the right of the new field will move one column to the right to make space.
These statements apply to "adding a field to a query" in MS Access and not adding a field to a database table.
Here's why:
Adding a Field to a Query: In the query design view, you can double-click a field from the list of available fields (in the top pane), and it will be added to the query grid below. You can also drag and drop a field into a specific position in the query grid, and the fields to the right will automatically shift to make space.
Adding a Field to a Database Table: When adding a field to a table, the process is different. You would typically add a field in the table design view or datasheet view, where there is no concept of dragging fields into a grid like in a query design. The focus in table design is on defining field names, data types, and properties.
Changing column width
You can change the width of any column in the design grid using the same method you learned to change column widths in Datasheet view.
Move the pointer to the right side of the column selector--the gray box at the top of the column--then click and drag the column divider until the column is the right size.
Changing your column width in Datasheet view
When you change the width of a column in Design view, the new column width is seen only in Design view.
If you want to change the column widths in the Datasheet view you can do so. Use the technique you learned to change the width of a column in Datasheet view, move the pointer to the right side of the column header and click and drag when you see the two-pointed arrow.
The changes you make to the column width will stick that is, you will see the changed column width the next time you view the query datasheet.
Everyone who uses datasheets knows they are powerful, but very few people know all of the things you can do with them.
One of the things that even the most diehard Visual Basic developer admits is that they wish that Visual Basic had a grid as powerful as the datasheet of Access .
And with all of that power, there are still many things that no one knows how to do with them.
Datasheets are routinely dismissed by developers, who seem to favor continuous forms.
However, datasheets provide a simple yet powerful way to display data to your users.
Datasheets also allow you to provide a user interface (UI) that your users can configure to meet their needs. Most developers feel that datasheets give too much control to their users.
However, by taking control of your datasheets, you can incorporate them into your applications. In this article,
I will show some of the features of these powerful UI objects that most developers don't understand.
Moving columns
Moving a column in the query design grid is similar to moving a column in a datasheet. First select the column by clicking the column
selector, the gray box at the top of the column--then click the column selector again and drag the column to its new position.
Deleting columns
To delete a column from the query design grid first select the column by clicking the column selector, then press the Delete key on your keyboard. Learn about limiting the results of your query by using criteria.