OS Memory Usage   «Prev  Next»

Oracle OS Memory - Quiz Results

The answers you selected are indicated below, along with text that explains the correct answers.
1. Which of the following consume RAM memory on a database server?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. The SGA
  B. The memory associated with dedicated user connections
  C. The memory used by MTS connections
  The correct answers are A and B. These are the only sources of Oracle memory consumption on a database server. C is incorrect because MTS connection use pre-allocated shared memory that is allocated for the dispatchers.

2. Which vmstat column indicates memory paging?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Page-out po
  B. Page-in pi
  C. Run Queue r”
  D. Answer:{{{format error}}}
  E. User CPU us
  The correct answer is B. The vmstat column that indicates memory paging is pi. This is because page-in operations indicate that memory has been recalled from the swap disk. A is incorrect because a page-out does not indicate swapping problems. C is incorrect because run queue values may be caused by disk or CPU waits. D is incorrect because CPU is not directly related to memory consumption.

3. Which are possible ways to reduce memory consumption?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. Reduce db_block_buffers
  B. Reduce shared_pool_size
  C. Implement the MTS
  D. Reduce the value of license_max_users
  The correct answer are A, B, and C. These are all valid ways of reducing OS memory consumption. D is incorrect because limiting user connections is not a good solution to memory usage problems.
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