Database Analysis
Database Design
Extended DB Features
Oracle SQL Extensions
Database Analysis
Data Analysis
Relational Constraints
DB Life Cycle
Relational Notation
Data Modeling
Table Characteristics
Table Column Rules
Table Row Rules
Columns Entity Attributes
Calculate Domain Types
RDBMS Calculations
Database Null Values
Key Column Descriptors
Primary Key
Surrogate Keys
Concatenated Keys
Primary Foreign Key
Defining Foreign Keys
Referential Integrity
Relational Constructs Conclusion
Normal Forms
Reduce Data Redundancy
Normalization Defined
Normalization Objective
Normalization Process - Quiz
First Normal Form
Achieving First Normal
First NF Limitations
Second Normal Form
Define Functional Dependencies
Identify Functional Dependencies
Achieving 2nd Normal Form
Second NF Limitations
DB Normalization Conclusion
Normalization - Quiz
Third Normal Form
2NF Limitations
Transitive Dependencies
Eliminate Dependencies
1st, 2nd, 3rd NF
Achieve 3rd Normal Form
Codds Twelve Criteria
(BCNF) Four Important Rules
Beyond 3rd Normal Form
Boyce Codd Normal Form
Denormalizing Tables
3rd Normal Form
Joins, User Views
SQL Joining Tables
SQL Inner Join
Table Join Explanation
Create Equi Join
Business Requirements
Store View Definitions
Creating SQL Views
Permissions Design Role
Requirements Analysis
Table Joins User Views
Physical Design
Physical DB Design
Create index SQL
Drawbacks Field Indexing
Database Clustering
Data Clustering Trade-off
Database Partitioning
Horizontal Partition
Drawbacks Horizontal Partitioning
DB Vertical Partitioning
Drawbacks Vertical Partitioning
Create DB via SQL
Create Table via SQL
Use SQL to Build DB
Data Dictionary Entries
Data Dictionary
Physical Design Conclusion
DB Design Mistakes
Common Mistakes
DB Design Considerations
Business Objects Rules
Database Column Mistakes
Database Key Constraints
Primary Foreign Key Mistakes
Referential Integrity
International DB Mistakes
Eval Relational DB
Design Mistakes Conclusion
User Views - Exercise
Requirements analysis and user views
List views that would be useful to Stories on CD employees.
Exercise Scoring
This exercise is worth a total of ten points and is auto-scored. When you have answered the question below, click the
button to receive credit for having completed the exercise and view a results page.
Now that you have designed and normalized the tables that Stories on CD will use to track its inventory and orders placed with distributors, it is time to determine what type of information Stories on CD employees should be able to derive from the table data.
In the text box provided below, list five questions that Stories on CD employees might want to ask of the data in their tables.
Submitting your exercise
This exercise is auto-scored, which means there is nothing to submit. When you have answered the question, click the
button to receive credit for completing the exercise and view a results page.