Using the Page Wizard for a data entry Style Page
- To create a data entry style page in this simulation, you start out in the Pages tab of the Database window. Create a Data Access Page.
- Here you are now in the first screen of the Page Wizard. As with other wizards, you can specify the record sources (tables and queries) and fields you want to use. At this point, we are going to create a page based on all fields in the Clients table, which is already selected.
- Go to the next screen.
- This screen lets you specify groupings on your page. Go to the next screen.
- The screen displayed here is where you can specify the field(s) on which you would like to sort. For this page, specify that Company is the field on which to sort.
- The available fields chosen on the first screen are now displayed. Go to the next screen.
- You are now done with this screen. Go to the next one.
- There are a number of tasks you can have the wizard perform by using this screen. The title for the page is going to remain the same, so you dont have to worry about that. At this point, instead of just having the wizard open the page, tell the wizard that you want to specify a theme.
- We are now done with the wizard itself, so exit the wizard.
- Because we specify that we wanted to apply a theme, Access takes us into the Themes dialog to pick a theme. Choose an expedition theme.
- Close this dialog box.
- At this point, you are in the Page Design view. You could add a title here. Instead, view the Data Access Page.
- Here is the final data entry style Data Access Page.